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[Naija News] Buhari Reaffirms Commitment To Welfare Of Families Of Fallen Heroes

President Muhammadu Buhari

 President Muhammadu Buhari has assured the families of the fallen heroes that the government will not jettison its plans to improve their standard of living as a matter of top national priority.

President Buhari made this known through the Minister of Defence Major General Bashir Salihi Magashi who represented him at this year’s Armed forces Remembrance Day Celebration Jumat prayer held at the National Mosque Abuja.

He said the government is appreciative of the sacrifices of the serving, retired and unknown soldiers who paid the supreme price towards safeguarding the Nation’s territorial integrity.

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The Commander-in-Chief of the Nigerian Armed Forces described the annual Armed Forces Remembrance Day Celebration of which special jumat service represents a significant segment as a token of expression of love and appreciation for their gallantry and a platform to besiege Almighty Allah to uphold the families they left behind and to pray for the repose of their souls.

President Buhari seized the opportunity of the special AFRDC jumat prayer to assure Nigerians that the counter-terrorism, anti-banditry, and other military operations in parts of the country aimed at restoring peace are well on course with a greater commitment on the parts of the Fighting troops to achieve the end state of wiping out the criminal elements threatening national survival and stability.

The special prayer was attended by serving top Military hierarchies and members of the diplomatic communities.

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