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[Blog] Blog Post Ideas and Quality Content Blogging Tips 2023

[Blog] Blog Post Ideas and Quality Content Blogging Tips 2023

 A unique and impressive article is only known as high-quality content. High-quality content is such content that is profitable for users, make relation with users.

Whenever you write content you should know for whom you are writing. Writing for the search engine or writing for the users or writing for both. If you are writing for both search engines and users then you have to write unique and impressive content.

2021, Quality content tips, the new era

What is high-quality content?

When a post is written, what is its content? What the criteria? How content is counted in high-quality content or low-quality content? 

To understand the quality of content, a small software of Google Algorithm update is used. This software notice only that how much time does the users spend on your blog. The more users will stay in your blog the more quality will get of your content.

Why writing high-quality content is necessary?

Obviously, high-quality content will only make your post rank on Google and Google will deliver the content to the users. If the users get their answers they will stay on your page for a long time and sue to spend more time  Google Algorithm update will follow your content and give a place in Search Engine Ranking. When content is ranked on search engine then its means that your content is high-quality content.

How to write high-quality content?

A blogger writes their content and optimizes it for search engines. And search engines serve them for users. So if we keep the users, their demand, and easy format for them in mind and write content then you make the users spend time in your content and Google Algorithm will give you its profit. 

 Now you must be thinking that so shouldn't optimize the search engine? See, optimizing the search engine is a technical issue. Which we do On-page SEO. But users don't have any relation with the technical issue. In short, we have to write for both. Because computers understand the technical language a users search for their demands.

Quality is dependent on Content data?

Every content has two sides. One good means 'A' content and the second low means 'X' content.

Basically. what is a way to measure A or X content? Quality content gets different scales on different data. For example, if the content is getting 97% traffic from social media but its CTR percentage is very low. In this situation, this content can't b called high-quality content. 

A content: A content is better for you, it is the most profitable content. Your content performs on top 1-3. 'A' Content always ranks good, brings good traffic, and also makes the relation with readers good.

X content: X content is average or down average content.  If this is filled with X content yet gets good traffic from another platform it would be counted in X content. Because its performance and CTR are zero.

CTR vs avg position in organic search

How to change your content in Quality content?

By now you must have understood the criteria of quality content. If you want to write quality content then you have to think about only one thing. That is when a user comes to your blog they have to stay at least 3 minutes. Only this much work you have to do.

Now we have to think that a user will stay 3 minutes in your blog only when they will find something unique in your content or those who have come for information and they get the information. Trust me that the whole game is all about stopping the users in your content for a longer time.

Now, what is the way to stop the users? The way is that think- your keyword is 'What is Content?' now. there will be many articles in Google search regarding the keyword. Now you have to think about what you have to do if you were the user then what information you would have wanted. Make a list of it and then see the articles that ranked first, match the list and find which point is not covered by them, write that point in your article. 

Many times it happens that due to half information users jumped to other websites. Why so? That's because that content doesn't provide the full information which users want. For example, your post is 'what is quality content', users came to find this answer but while reading a question came into their mind that 'How to write high-quality content and your post doesn't have the answer to this then user will go to visit another website in the search of an answer. For this, you have to explain every point related to the topic in your content so that users don't go to other websites.

Why users stay for longer in high-quality content?

To make the users stay in their blog blogger do many steps, you should do too.
  • Whatever your title keyword is write the content according to the title. So that the users get the answers that they were looking for
  • Use image, graph, screenshot in your content so that it will be easy for the users to understand and they would like to stay for some more time.
  • Use the internal link in the content. An internal link should be related to your content. When users will have a question they would get the answers by clicking on the link and they will spend more time in your blog.
  • Upload content-related video. If you don't have your own video then upload any other content-related video. By which users will understand it easily and will also stay for longer.
  • Through the internal links, keep one page linked to another. When your one page will be related to another then there will be a relation in content and this is necessary to make the users stay.
  • Also, use an external link. In the content, if you'll link big websites and redirect the users then the users will be redirected by your website. By this, you'll get profit. For example, if your post is 'How to make Aadhar' then add the Aadhar center website's link in your content.
  • You shouldn't write the content small or big. Small content like users came and read in 2 minutes or big content like users gets bored reading so long. You have to only give the essential information that users don't get bored. A 1000 word article maintains quality content.
  • Use your author bio in your blog. By this, your blog's page authority will be strong. Write a little about yourself. Because the users reading this deserves to know who is writing this.
  • Your website should be unique, valuable, and engaging.

Avoid these things to write a quality content

  • Don't use automatically generated content
  • Participating in link schemes
  • Keeping the content small
  • Using sneaky lines
  • Hiding text and lines
  • Loading the page with irrelevant keywords
  • Don't use any tricks to get a rank in search engine
  • Avoid spellings and grammatical mistakes

In the above article, we understood that what is high-quality content, why writing high-quality content is necessary, how to write high-quality content, Quality is dependent on content data, how to change your content into high-quality content, why users stay longer in high-quality content, and things to avoid to write high-quality content. I hope you have got all the needed information regarding high-quality content. By reading the article hopefully, you would have understood what all is needed and not needed to write high-quality content.

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