Do you want to cheat on your lover and not get caught? Continue reading.
NOTE: Cheating is bad! We are Not encouraging you to cheat. Just enjoy this article. The points were raised by acclaimed cheaters!
If you’re a cheater who wants to avoid being discovered, merely wiping the lipstick off your collar won’t suffice. Cheaters now days put a lot more effort into keeping their affairs hidden.
Below are some you can cheat without being caught;
1. Do your hookups far from home
2. Keep a low profile
Keep the personal details of your — home address, spouse’s place of employment — under wraps before and following the affair, lest your affair partner blow your cover.
3. Hide all Evidence
Lipstick on your collar or stray boxers in the backseat won’t fly if you want to stay married. Seven percent of those polled said they made an effort to hide any evidence of their indiscretions.
4. Use a Condom
Using protection to avoid bringing home an STD or getting pregnant is key to keeping your affairs on the down-low.
5. Get a special phone for cheating
Cheaters usually scoop up a second phone or an app like Blackbook so they could chat with their affair partners without being caught.
Now, over to you
What are the Other thing a cheater can do without getting caught? – Tell Us
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