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[TalkZone] A Rich Man Is Entitled To Many Women? True or False


A Rich Man Is Entitled To Many Women

Polygamy is an act that most people (especially women) frown at.

It’s now a norm to name and shame women who date or end up marrying a married man. They are tagged “husband snatchers.”

On the other hand, men who are poor are broke shamed whenever they try to get a woman for themselves.

I saw the tweet below and decided to share.

It reads;

” A culture that tells a broke man he deserves no woman have no right to tell him to stick to one woman when he becomes rich.”

Apparently, the poster is trying to say, since we broke shame poor men whenever they ty to find love, we have no right to call them out when they become rich and want multiple women.

I for one think there is sense in the post, however, I DO NOT support polygamy and multiple dating.

We should stop broke shaming men looking for love. Everyone deserves love and to be loved, irrespective of the size of the pocket.

If being rich makes a man qualify to get a woman, I think he is entitled to as much as he money can carry!

Do you think it’s okay?

What do you think?

A Rich Man Is Entitled To Many Women – DO YOU AGREE?

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